Introduction to myWWU

When you're accepted to Walla Walla University, an account is created for you at This website will be the primary place you will see information about yourself, such as your classes and grades, your financial aid and account detail, and other information we have on file for you.

If you haven’t logged onto myWWU before, you’ll find it’s easy to do. Your user name will be your first name dot last name. Your initial password is your last name with the first letter capitalized, followed by the last 4 digits of your social security number. For example, username: wally.wolf, password: Wolf1111. If you have previously changed your password, that is your current password. 

If you can’t get logged in, call our Information Services department during regular office hours. Their phone number is (509) 527-2317.

Check to make sure we have the correct mailing address on file for you. You can do this under 

Click "Edit" to the right of the home address if the home address needs to be updated. Your home address is what we consider your permanent address. For most students, this is your parent’s address.

To add a summer address, click "Add Address" at the bottom, and enter your summer address. After you click OK, you will choose "Summer Address" as the type on the next screen. Click "OK" to save. If your summer address is only for the beginning of the summer, enter the new summer address. After saving the address, click the delete button for your summer address. It will ask you what date we should stop using your summer address.

Check to make sure we have the correct email address on file for you. You can do this under:

If your favorite email address is not listed, update your home email address. Place a check mark next to the email address you prefer we use until school starts. Once classes start, your WWU Email address is the only email address we use.

Once you start classes, we can only talk about your finances to people you’ve given us permission to talk to. So, if you want mom and dad, your eccentric aunt, or your rich uncle to be able to talk to us, be sure to let us know. You may change your permissions at any time. Go to:  

Choose the box that makes the most sense for that person:

  1. Send statements: This gives us permission to send a paper statement to this person and discuss your finances with them. Only one paper statement is sent to an address, but you can send statements to more than one person.
  2. Discuss Finances: You give us permission to discuss your finances with this person.
  3. Do not talk to this person: If this person contacts WWU, we will ask them to talk to you to get the requested information.

If you need to add someone, click on the “Add a new parent/sponsor.” If the person you want to add is not listed, email with that person’s legal name and current address. “Uncle Jim” is not enough information. We will link that person to your profile and email you when this is done. 

If you have stepparents or a spouse, we encourage you to list them as well.